Course Summary
This course teaches how to extract information from web pages with Python codes. The data extracted will be structured which is a good base for further analysis if desired.
Start Date: 7th Feb, 2021.
(Once every week: 4 sessions )
6PM – 8PM (Beijing Time)
10AM – 12PM (Ghana Time)
Session 1: Python for Beginners
- Basic Types
- Variables: Assignment
- Variables: Re-assignment
- Objects and methods
- Lists, loops, dictionaries
Session 2: Python Web Scraping Essentials
- Examining modern browsers for data extraction
– Web page inspection
– HTML & CSS Basics - Beautiful Soup – Python library for Web Scraping
Session 3: Guided Web Scraping
- A complete web scrapping example
- Assignment of Scrapping projects
Session 4: Project Display
- Presentation of selected projects