The GMDCE Prep Class is a program organized by NUGS-China in collaboration with some volunteered medical doctors in Ghana to prepare our medical students with some tips and knowledge needed to successfully go through the MDCG Examination. This project is the first of its kind to be organized,
The MDCG Examination is a requirement for granting certificate to foreign trained doctors, by the Medical and Dental Council, Ghana (MDCG). Foreign trained doctors are therefore required to satisfy the MDCG that they have the professional skills, knowledge and abilities necessary for medical and dental practice in Ghana by passing the Council’s Examination. Section 20(3) of NRCD 91 (1972) enjoins the MDCG “to direct any persons to undergo such examinations as it deems necessary prior to registration under this degree” The GMDCE prep class is free of charge and therefore we encouraged members to sign up and take advantage of this. The prep class is scheduled to run from February to August 2021.
Class Schedule

Signup Form