It is a well-known fact that women’s representation in leadership roles remains disappointingly low worldwide. Despite the efforts of women’s rights activists, gender inequality in the workplace has persisted for decades. Thus, this article will focus on women taking lead roles towards the nation’s growth and development. We will examine how women’s increased participation in leadership positions can have significant benefits for society, including economic growth, social progress, and empowerment. Women in Leadership Positions: Women have long been underrepresented in leadership positions.
Women worldwide hold only 27% of senior management positions, according to a study by Grant Thornton International Business Report. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report for 2021 reveals that there is still a significant gender gap globally in economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. Nonetheless, the report also states that gender equality is achievable by 2094—a year sooner than the 2020 prediction. Women’s Contribution to National Development: Women play a vital role in the economic development of any country. Women account for almost half of the world’s population, and creating opportunities for them in leadership roles can be a powerful driver of economic growth. Studies demonstrate that increasing women’s labor force participation could boost the global economy by $5.87 trillion. A recent research review reveals that advancing women’s economic participation could increase national income by 5%, over and above existing projections by 2030, in G20 countries.
Furthermore, women’s participation in leadership can also lead to social progress. Research indicates that female politicians are more likely to promote policies that empower women and to prioritize childcare, education, and social welfare initiatives. The contributions of women leaders to society are essential for achieving social balance, stability, and equity in many areas. Equal Representation of Women: The importance of equal representation of women in leadership positions cannot be overstated. In many countries, only a few women occupy positions of power, which implies that they have less influence when it comes to decision-making. One way to ensure that women have more representation in leadership positions is to encourage and provide opportunities for women to enter the labor force. The government, on its part, can implement policies that seek to reduce discrimination against women and promote gender equality. In conclusion, women taking lead roles towards the nation’s growth and development cannot be overemphasized. Women’s representation in leadership positions has a positive impact on society’s economic and social development. Governments, organizations, and individuals must take responsibility to eradicate all forms of gender inequality and encourage women’s participation in leadership roles, as women’s contributions create a more prosperous, equitable, and peaceful society.
Written By: Aisha Abubakar NUGS-China National Women’s Commissioner 2022/2023