- PARTICIPANTS: Chapter executives for 2020/2021, NEC and Past Executives
The program began at 9:00am with an opening prayer by Hon. Samuel Yaw Mensah (President, NUGS-Tianjin) and was moderated by Hon. Gloria Selorm Akpabla (Women’s commissioner, 2019/2020). The program was in four sessions; General leadership seminar, knowing NUGS-China constitution, Balancing leadership roles with academics, and Break room session for the various portfolios.
Opening address
Hon. Collins Sey, the president of NUGS-China expressed his sincere gratitude to all chapter leaders and past executives for their support in leading the union. He stated that the union is versed with lots of leaders with great ideas and potentials. However, good leaders can be created through effective leadership training, therefore, the NEC deemed it keen to invest more on improving and promoting effective and quality leaders, hence, the first leadership training program was organized. The purpose of the leadership training program was to equip chapter executives with general leadership skills that will enhance works in their current portfolios and also prepare them for future leadership positions. He highlighted his expectations at the end of the program that, all participants will be equipped with knowledge of: Qualities of a good leader, how to manage a team, time management, how to lead by example, strategies to mobilize resources to help the union, and the need for commitment as leaders. Full Speech Link
First Session: General Leadership Seminar by Dr. Jim Phillips
The guest speaker began the presentation by appreciating the initiative taken by the leadership of the union to invite him as a speaker for the training program. He then proceeded with his presentation on various thematic areas such as time management, ethical leadership and a few other sub topics under those themes.
Dr. Phillip’s speech about time management spanned around two key aspects of good time management which he described as effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness relates to one’s productivity and efficiency has to do with how fast a task is executed. He shared lessons in a short video on goal setting and time management that featured a Ghanaian woman known as Benkosi. In the video, Madam Benkosi was seen advising his son on how he should plan his daily activities early in the morning before stepping out. She also advised him to pray early in the morning and before retiring to bed. According to her, these practices will improve his productivity and relationship with his God. Dr. Phillips informed participants about how following lessons in the video has helped him and his wife for the past 6 months. He encouraged participants to follow the lessons from the video as a guide to their daily routines as student leaders.
Dr. Phillips further spoke about ethical leadership. Lessons on ethical leadership were shared from a material he shared with his audience before the training entitled ‘ethical leadership and team ethical outcomes: the role of team moral efficacy and ethical climate’. This session was very interactive as participants asked questions on how ethical leadership affects team morale and productivity.
Dr. Phillips again shared lessons on goal setting and how to prioritize daily activities using the diagram below;

He entreated participants to include more activities in the A2 column. He also entreated students to avoid executing their daily activities with urgency since such practice saps a lot of energy from the individual, the team and subordinates thereby drawing people away from such people. He encouraged all participants to strive to become better versions of themselves and not be like anyone else. Participants were entreated to acquire negotiation skills as it is a crucial skill that every good leader must possess.
He concluded by expressing his appreciation for the initiative taken by NUGS-China leadership to invite him for the training. He also expressed his desire and willingness to visit our country Ghana.
Second session
KNOWING NUGS-China constitution (Hon. Derrick Anquanah Cudjoe)
The National Judicial Committee chair, Hon. Derrick Anquanah Cudjoe highlighted on the preamble of the NUGS-China constitution, he elaborated on the need for unity among all Ghanaian students in China. He also spoke about the supremacy of NUGS-China constitution, in governing the affairs of NUGS-China and the need for leaders to adhere to it. Hon. Derrick again spoke about chapter 12, the structure of NUGS-China constitution which constitutes Congress, the National senate, the NEC, and National committees and boards. He elaborated on the National Senate which constitutes the provincial Senate and the NEC. He explained that there is no national Senate at the moment because most chapters under NUGS-China have not handed over their portfolios yet and as a result, some provinces have not been able to elect their provincial coordinators. He therefore advised chapters that are yet to hand over to do so as soon as possible for the NEC to be able to embark on their activities. He also reminded leaders of Article 31, concerning the payment of dues to the national. Hon. Derrick in his closing remarks quoted Proverbs 22:29; “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank” NIV.
Third Session:
Theme: Balancing Leadership roles with Academics by Hon. Benjamin Ohene Kwapong Baffoe, National President of NUGS-China 2017-2018. According to Hon. Benjamin Ohene Kwapong Baffoe, there is need for balance in fulfilling responsibilities as a leader of influence, so as not to burnout and exhibit lack of motivation. Quoting from Dr. Oz, Hon. Baffoe said “When stressed, one’s brain creates a mechanism to control it, eg; panic. which tends to affect the organs and eventually the productivity of the individual.”
Highlighting on some leadership tips, Hon. Beffoe said, leaders must be effective and efficient, be productive, and save time, constructively delegate but do not overburden, know your leadership responsibilities, have honest communication with team and members, avoid competition but rather collaborate with team members.
Furthermore, a short video between a wise man and a boy was shared with a great lesson that: ‘it’s not about winning the race but racing together and finishing the race together’. He furthermore opined that depending on different types of seasons i.e.: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, what makes a leader effective is to do the following;
Anticipate; know the terrain, study the dynamics of the chapter. Plan; prepare ahead of time and have an interactive moment.
He also shared some tips that will help leaders excel academically. He emphasized that as leaders and students, know your strength, set achievable goals, develop and follow a regular schedule and be accountable, share your progress with others to boost motivation.
Hon. Baffoe in his closing remarks said, if leaders study to improve and adapt to academic and leadership responsibilities assigned, it would result in the following; a happy leader, a happy graduate and a happy community.
Final session
The final session was a break room for all Chapter portfolios including Presidents, Vice Presidents, General Secretaries, Financial Controllers, Organizers and Women commissioners. The session was to enable them meet their immediate past and current NEC members to discuss their responsibilities in NUGS-China and various ways to contribute to the progress of the union. Their discussions further included some strategies to adopt to help in fulfilling responsibilities in their various positions. It was an opportunity for chapter leaders to interact with the past executives and learn from their experiences.
Closing remarks
Hon. Collins Sey, President of NUGS-China in his closing remarks, thanked all invited guests for honoring the invitation to share their knowledge and experiences. He also expressed his sincere gratitude on behalf of the NEC and the organizers of the training to all Chapter leaders for participating in the program and making it a success. Hon. Matilda Kissi, Secretary of NUGS- Changzhou prayed to end the program at 4:10pm.